Montserrat Caballé
María de Montserrat Bibiana Concepción Caballé i Folch (12 April 1933 – 6 October 2018), known simply as Montserrat Caballé (i Folch), was a Catalan Spanish operatic soprano. She sang a wide variety of roles, but is best known as an exponent of the works of Verdi and of the bel canto repertoire, notably the works of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti. She was noticed internationally when she stepped in for a performance of Donizetti's Lucrezia Borgia at Carnegie Hall in 1965, and then appeared at leading opera houses. Her voice was described as pure but powerful, with superb control of vocal shadings and exquisite pianissimo. 享誉全球的女高音歌唱家卡巴耶(Montserrat Caballé),全名María de Montserrat Bibiana Concepción Caballé i Folch,1933年4月12日出生于西班牙巴塞罗那,2018年10月6日在故乡辞世。卡巴耶在其漫长的职业生涯中演唱过大量的歌剧角色,最闻名于世的是对美声三杰(罗西尼、贝里尼、多尼采蒂)及威尔第作品的诠释和演绎。1965年,卡巴耶在卡耐基音乐厅演唱多尼采蒂的歌剧《卢克雷齐娅·波吉亚》(Lucrezia Borgia)而举世闻名,此后开始活跃在国际顶尖歌剧舞台上。她的声音被誉为“纯净但充满力量”、“拥有完美的控制与声线”,并以“极致的弱音”而广受追捧。