![[DJ节目]瑶瑶老师YaoYao_English的DJ节目 第2000期](https://p2.music.126.net/kx5imaWocYH415sKvrgvUA==/109951170406564339.jpg?param=200y200)
【句子】George is a wack job, and you should get while the getting's good. 【Desperate Housewives S2E8】 【发音】/dʒɔː(r)dʒ/ /ɪz/ /ə/ /wæk/ /dʒɒb/ /dʒɑːb/ /ənd/ /ju:/ /ʃʊd/ /get/ /waɪl/ /ðə/ /ˈɡetɪŋz/ /gʊd/ 【发音技巧】is a连读;and you音的同化;should get失去爆破;getting's闪音; 【翻译】乔治就是个疯子/怪胎,趁现在还来得及,快离开他吧。 【适用场合】 在英文中,有这样一个表达,叫做while the getting is good,当然你也可以说while the going is good,表达的意思是:“当你有机会的时候;当情况有利于你的时候;趁情况还好的时候”; 来看下英文解释:While the circumstances are advantageous; while it is easy. eg: There's no traffic right now, so if you're driving, you should get going while the going is good. 现在没什么车,所以如果你开车的话,趁现在交通状况好,赶紧出发吧。 eg: People are leaving in their thousands while the going is good. 趁情况尚好/趁局势还稳定,成千上万的人们正在尽快撤离。 eg: He thinks the company is going to go bankrupt soon, so he's getting out while the going is good. 他觉得公司很快要破产了,所以他趁着局势还稳定/情况尚好,赶紧脱身了。 eg: Don't you think we should quit while the going is good? 难道你不觉得,我们应该趁局势还好赶紧撤吗? 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 They have to get the money while the going is good.