

One of the most overused words in electronic music, besides the often used 'genius' and 'banging', might be 'hypnotic'. Of course, any repetitive music with chords or tones and a steady pulse might qualify for that term. But in the case of Mogo, the alias of Mexican producer Arturo Jimenez, it has seldom sounded more true and to the point. I don't know if it's the soft focus synths that suck you in or the clean, propulsive rhythms, but it works like a charm. Reminds me a lot of Blade Runner 2049's soundtrack, while at the same time sounding nothing like it. It has an element of sci-fi, more elements of really deep, Terrence Dixon-esque Detroit techno, but that soft touch in the synths and laid back approach to letting the elements of the songs do its work on your mind and thoughts is the key element. Mogo easily bends space and time to take you on a journey beyond the linear realm. Give in to it's seductive charm and hug the warm sounds coming out of your speakers, you won't regret it...

