王懿(EAU),音乐创作者,音乐人,现工作生活于上海。 EAU的作品试图表现一种冷静的情感和立体的多层构建,在法语中,EAU是“水”的意思,正如其作品,象征着思维的变化与时间的流动。EAU擅长music actual与electroacoustic,以声⾳作为沟通媒介,进行独立音乐创作与跨媒介艺术实践。 王懿 (EAU), music creator, and musician with cross-disciplinary projects, based in Shanghai. EAU means water in french, reflected in his music, it feels like time floating and thoughts drifting. EAU sets his focus on contemporary and electroacoustic music, in which sound acts as a communication medium. His sound works intend to express a calm emotion in stereo construction with multiple dimensions.