SmK(前身为SKILLZmakeKILLZ):自2012年以来,他们一直是一个经验丰富的电子音乐制作组合,以高质量的旋律和令人振奋的舞曲而闻名。一旦你听到SmK的曲目,你就会立刻认出它。SmK拥有多年的忠实粉丝群,满意度超过90%。然而,他们的音乐仍在不断适应、发展和改进。期待未来的美好事物,怀念明天。 SmK (formerly SKILLZmakeKILLZ): A veteran electronic music production group, since 2012, known for quality melodies and uplifting dance music. You instantly know an SmK track once you hear it. SmK has a loyal fan base built up for many years, with over 90% satisfaction rate. Yet, the music continues to adapt, evolve and improve. Expect great things in the future, and nostalgia for tomorrow.