Catherine Bott
Catherine Bott热门歌曲
Catherine Bott - Where Your Heart Belongs choral
Philip Pickett - Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett:Versiculum: Deus in adiutorium
Mark Levy - Eccles: Let all be gay
Philip Pickett - Magnificat in E flat, BWV 243a:Quia respexit humilitatem
New London Consort - Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett:Antiphona ad Psalmum 126
David Roblou - Blow: Lysander I pursue in vain
Catherine Bott - The Indian Queen, Z. 630 - ed A. Pinnock, M. Laurie - Act 4:They Tell Us That Your Mighty Powers
Catherine Bott - Vespro della Beata Virgine - Arr. Philip Pickett:Sicut erat in principio
Catherine Bott - L'Orfeo - Prologo:Ritornello-Dal mio Permesso amato
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3:"Thy Hand Belinda - When I Am Laid In Earth"
Claudio Monteverdi - L'Orfeo - Act 4:Quali grazie ti rendo
New London Consort - Alfonso El Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria - Non e gran causa
New London Consort - Tirsi e Clori (Ballo):Per monti e per valli, belissima Clori
Marc Minkowski - San Giovanni Battista:Parte prima - Sinfonia
Marc Minkowski - San Giovanni Battista:Parte seconda - "Io, per me, non cangerei" [San Giovanni Battista]
New London Consort - L'Orfeo - Act 4:Signor quell'infelice
Marc Minkowski - San Giovanni Battista:Parte seconda - "Deh, che più tardi" [Erodiade la Figlia]
Les Musiciens du Louvre - San Giovanni Battista:Parte seconda - "Queste lagrime e sospiri" [Erodiade la Figlia]
Michael Torke - Four Proverbs:1. Better a Dish
Mirella Freni - Mirella Freni in Conversation with Catherine Bott:Let's talk a little...
Michael Torke - Four Proverbs:2. Drink Water
Catherine Bott - Burgos Codex de Las Huelgas 12/13th Century Iberian Manuscript:Surrexit de tumulo
Michael Torke - Four Proverbs:3. One Man Pretends
Catherine Bott - Burgos Codex de Las Huelgas 12/13th Century Iberian Manuscript:Agnus Dei - Regula moris
Michael Torke - Four Proverbs:4. There Is Joy
Catherine Bott - Il ballo delle ingrate, SV 167:9. Ahi troppo è duro
Catherine Bott - Tirsi e Clori, "Ballo" SV 145:1. Per monti e per valli, belissima Clori
Catherine Bott - Lamento - Lagrime mie, a che vi trattenete
Michael Nyman - This Damned Witch Scyorax
Michael Nyman - The Fringed Curtains of Thine Eye
Michael Nyman - There's Nothing Ill Can Dwell
Michael Nyman - You Do Look, My Son, in a Moved Sort
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana:4. Curritur ad vocem
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana:8. Veritas veritatem
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana:10. Ich was ein chint so wolgetan
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana:12. In taberna quando sumus
Catherine Bott - 12 Canzonets, Hob.XXVIa:31: No. 7, A Sailor's Song
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana (13th c. Bavarian Manuscript):Axe Phebus aureo
Catherine Bott - Gloria, R.588 - Ed. Hartwig Bögel:7. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
Catherine Bott - Requiem, Op. 48:4. Pie Jesu (I)
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas / Act 3:"Thy Hand Belinda - When I Am Laid In Earth"
Catherine Bott - Requiem in F minor, IHB 17:3. Dies irae
Bill Nighy - You Really Got Me
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra - The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V:Prelude - Song. "See, I Obey" - Duet. "Turn Then Thine Eyes" & Song. "My Torch Indeed"
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra - The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V:Trio and Chorus. "They Shall Be as Happy as They're Fair"
Catherine Bott - Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 - Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.51 Terzetto (Soprano, Alto, Tenor): "Ach, wann wird die Zeit erscheinen?"
Catherine Bott - Carmina Burana:7. Ave nobilis
New London Consort - Alfonso El Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria - A madre de Deus
New London Consort - Alfonso El Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria - Quen a Virgen ben servira
Julianne Baird - Dido and Aeneas / Act 1:"Whence could so much virtue spring?"
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas / Act 1:"See see your royal guest appears"
Catherine Bott - In furore iustissimae irae, RV 626: I. Aria. In furore iustissimae irae
Catherine Bott - Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 - Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.63 Rezitativ (Sopran Alt Tenor Ba?): "Was will der H?lle Schrecken nun?"
New London Consort - Il ballo delle ingrate:Ahi troppo è duro
Academy of St. Martin in the Fields - Silencium - Music of Inner Peace:3. Air and Angels
English Baroque Soloists - L'incoronazione di Poppea / Prologue:Sinfonia - Prologue - "Deh nasconditi o Virtù" ... (Fortuna Virtù Amore)
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas / Act 1:"Ah! Belinda. I am prest with torment"
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas / Act 2:"Behold upon my bending spear"
Catherine Bott - Dido and Aeneas / Act 3:"Your councel all is urg'd in vain"
Catherine Bott - Cantata: "All'ombra di sospetto", RV 678:2. O quanti amanti