Pierre Hujoel 胡月资料,Pierre Hujoel 胡月最新歌曲,Pierre Hujoel 胡月MV视频,Pierre Hujoel 胡月音乐专辑,Pierre Hujoel 胡月好听的歌

Pierre Hujoel 胡月

Hujoel 胡月,比利时人,曾在比利时皇家音乐学院专攻古典钢琴与音乐作曲,毕业后随即到台湾旅行,并醉心于截然不同的新文化,开始深度旅居台湾的生活,期间在台学习中文,并担任作曲家,创作各种类型的配乐:电影短片、电视广告、纪录片、展览,同时他创立了一个独特的电子乐团 Children in Love,担当作曲、表演和摄影等活动。 多年来,Children in Love 聚集了许多音乐、艺术家:如 2016 年 Children in Love 发行第一张完整专辑的主唱许雅捷、与乐团一起巡回演出的鼓手郭逸萱,以及为乐团作词的 Vicky Sun(孙博萱)。 自 2011 成立以来,胡月一直在亚洲、欧洲活跃 Children in Love 乐团的活动,也曾同时担任台湾电子音乐乐团 April Red 红 的键盘手及作曲家, 2013 年发行了一张 EP,截至 2016 年底在亚洲,美洲和欧洲巡回演出。 2017 年开始与台湾艺术家 Paige Hsu(苏珮卿)合作,担任其键盘手。 目前正准备发行他的第一张个人专辑,将以截然不同的风格巡回亚洲和欧洲。 Hujoel 胡月 grew up in Brussels, Belgium. He studied classical piano and music composition at Conservatoire Royal Supérieur de Musique, then moved to Taipei, Taiwan and studied Mandarin Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University. While working as a composer for contemporary art, cinema and television, he founded Children in Love in 2012, an electronica music project in which he acted as a composer, performer and videographer. Children in Love featured several artists over the years, such as Ya-chieh Hsu (许雅捷), who is the lead singer in Children Love’s first album, released in 2016, Yi-hsuan Kuo (郭逸萱), who toured with the band as a drummer, and Vicky Sun (孙博萱), who wrote lyrics for the band and filled in for Ya-chieh on several occasions. Since its beginnings, Hujoel has been touring with the project in both Asia and Europe. Meanwhile, he also joined April Red (红) as a keyboardist and composer, a Taiwanese electronic music band with whom he released an album in 2013 and toured in Asia, America and Europe until the end of 2016. He also started working with Taiwanese artist Paige Hsu (苏珮卿) as a keyboardist in 2017. He is currently releasing his first solo album and touring Asia and Europe with his solo work.
