这支以核心人物Melechesh Ashmedi的名字作为名称的乐队成立于1993年,原本只是作为Melechesh Ashmedi的个人乐队而存在,但是当吉他手Moloch和鼓手Lord Curse加入之后,三人阵容找到了最佳的状态,而这支以MELECHESH为名的乐队也成为了圣城耶路撒冷的第一支真正意义上的黑金属乐队。 Country of origin: International Location: Jerusalem/Bethlehem (early); Netherlands/France (mid); Germany (later) Status: Active Formed in: 1993 Genre: Black/Death/Middle Eastern Folk Metal Lyrical themes: Mesopotamian mythology Current label: Nuclear Blast Years active: 1993-present Melechesh means "King of Fire" in Hebrew. It's pronounced as "Meh-lek-esh" by the band, though modern Hebrew pronunciation for the "ch" would be similar to the one in Scottish "loch" Problems between Melechesh and the strictly religious people in Jerusalem, as well as other professional and personal reasons, encouraged the band to relocate with members going to The Netherlands where they could continue work without the hassle from religious authorities. Since the drummer could not move, they found a replacement with Proscriptor from Absu, who was then replaced by Dutch drummer Xul. Xul was fired in 2013.