WAVHART is a musician/producer/dj based in Los Angeles, CA. Born into a family of musicians, he has pursued his passion of music his whole life. Starting out playing rock and roll on various instruments, he then shifted to music production at the age of 14 which took his sound into the realm of hip hop and eventually dance music. As he expanded his skillset, WAVHART never forgot his roots. He combines all his influences and creates around the feeling of a cool rain under the purple midnight sky. Such a feeling is independent of genre and he uses that truth to his advantage. WAVHART是一名来自洛杉矶的新锐电子音乐人。出生于美国音乐世家的他追寻了父辈的脚印,在少年时期以摇滚演奏为个人的主打风格,14岁时开始接触包括嘻哈、电子舞曲等方向的音乐制作。 随着个人的音乐制作能力的提升,WAVHART也开始将过去探索出的个人特色融入到创作中。不论作品曲风,扎实的音乐理论和器乐演奏功底让他在每首歌中都融入了清新、大气的氛围元素。