Coca-Koala 可乐熊乐团
Coca-Koala (可乐熊乐团) 由「超级偶像」御宅演员歌手瘦瘦领军,同时配备有大叔吉祥物。以逗趣的即兴闲聊垃圾话与动人的不插电音乐备受好评, 2013 年起持续在 Live House 举办动漫主题音乐会。2018年发行台湾首张由日本授权的动漫不插电专辑「老宅歌」,向宅文化致敬,并以歌声与创作歌咏90年代不死青春老灵魂,同时传达对这片土地的关爱。 Coca-Koala, a charming music band of singers, actors, and musicians. Our music is as unpredictable as our name suggests, ranging from musicals, comic-animations music, pop songs, and adapted tunes. No-style is our style, or you can call it, an improvised style! Coca-Koala’s performance is not a concert which separates artists and audience, but a gathering among friends. Here, we present you a lovely feast of music, while our casual chat is the side dish you won’t want to miss.