Paul Eliott
Paul Eliott热门歌曲
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza sesta: Vergine chiara
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: Passio Domini
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Vespere autem facto
Paul Hillier - Exsultet from the Paschal Vigil: Exsultet
Paul Hillier - Five (Five Voices)
Barbara Schlick - Gott hat den Herrn auferweckt, Wq. 244, H. 803:Recitative and Arioso: So sag nun, Seele, sag erfreut (Soprano, Tenor)
Alfred Deller - The Indian Queen: "Ah, how happy are we" - "We the spirits of the air" (Aerial Spirits)
Paul Eliott - Begone Sweit Night
Paul Eliott - My Heartly Service
David James - En Frolyk Weson
Martina Lins - Gott hat den Herrn auferweckt, Wq. 244, H. 803:No. 4. So sag nun, Seele, sag erfreut
Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra - Dido and Aeneas: Act III: Prelude - Come away, fellow sailors
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Tunc venit Jesus
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: Principes autem
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Mane autem facto
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: Jesus autem stetit
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Et postquam
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: A sexta autem hora
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Quidam autem
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Coenantibus autem
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: Respondens autem
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Adhuc eo loquente
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Et osculatus est
Theatre of Voices - St. Matthew Passion: Petrus vero sedebat
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Consilio autem initio
Paul Eliott - St. Matthew Passion: Praetereuntes autem
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Et ecce velum
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion: Erant autem
Paul Hillier - St. Matthew Passion, Visitatio (Easter Dialogue): O Deus
Paul Hillier - Benedicamus Domino
Paul Hillier - Abelard and Heloise, from Saint-Denis to the Paraclete Monastic Song: O quanta qualia
Theatre of Voices - Litany for the Whale (Two Voices)
Terry Riley - Aria (Seven Voices and Electronics)
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza prima: Vergine bella
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza seconda: Vergine saggia
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza terza: Vergine pura
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza quinta: Vergine sol'al mondo
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza ottava: Vergine, tal e terra
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza decima: Vergine humana
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza ultima: Il di s'apressa
Paul Eliott - Tutti i madrigali a quattro voci, R 2513, Libro II: No. 28, Crudele, acerba, inexorabil morte
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza quarta: Vergine santa
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza septima: Vergine, quante lagrimae
Paul Eliott - Le Vergine, Stanza nona: Vergine, in cui ho
Paul Eliott - Tutti i madrigali a quattro voci, R 2513, Altri: No. 35, Musica dulci sono
The Hilliard Ensemble - Tutti i madrigali a quattro voci, R 2513, Libro I: No. 8, Ancor che col partire