Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra热门歌曲
Pavel Jurkovič - Nun bin Ich einmal frei, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Italská renesanční poezie a hudba
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Solis praevia. Moteto
Hana Legerová - Hujus sit memoria
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Ave generosa
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - In natali Domini
Josef Zivota - Beati qui esuriunt
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Surrexit Christus hodie
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Missa da capella a sei voci fatte sopra il motetto In illo tempore del Gomberti:Kyrie eleison
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Missa da capella a sei voci fatte sopra il motetto In illo tempore del Gomberti:Credo
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Deus in nomine tuo
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Missa da capella a sei voci fatte sopra il motetto In illo tempore del Gomberti:Gloria
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Missa da capella a sei voci fatte sopra il motetto In illo tempore del Gomberti:Sanctus
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Missa da capella a sei voci fatte sopra il motetto In illo tempore del Gomberti:Agnus Dei
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Audi domine hymnus
Miroslav Venhoda - Procedentem sponsum, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Flos florum, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Ave generosa, .
Miroslav Venhoda - O Regina, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Solis praevia. Moteto, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Omnis mundus microcosmus, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Our Dear Saint Wenceslas, .
Miroslav Venhoda - Ave Maria ancilla trinitatis, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Viver lieto voglio, .
Josef Zivota - Kalenda maya, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Pavana, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Gagliarda, .
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Žalostná postní tragédie ve čtyři actus rozdělená
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Rozjímání umučení syna božího
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Slavné syna božího vzkříšení
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Velikonoční passamezza
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: O vstoupení pána Krista-Šťastnější a milejší křesťanský Ikarus
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Boží jednota a trojice
Czech Chamber orchestra - Motetto de Passione Christi in D-Sharp Minor, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Stabat Mater, .: Quis est homo
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Stabat Mater, .: Pro peccatis
Prague Philharmonic Choir - Stabat Mater, .: Quando corpus
Beno Blachut - Czech Paschale Music, .: Pozdravení Krista ukřižovaného
Věra Jindřichová - Starodávné čarování milému, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Planxit David. Pars I. - II., .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Mirabile mysterium, .
Prague Madrigal Singers and Orchestra - Jocundare, filia Sion, .
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Christmas Music: Toto malé děťátko
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Christmas Music: Chudoba s ponížeností
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Christmas Music: Nové hvězdy, nové světlo
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Christmas Music: Již jen spadla rosička
Chamber instrumental ensemble - May the Lord Bless This House, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - We Bring You Glad Tidings, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - On Our Way to Bethlehem, .
Miloslav Rabas - Vondráši, Matóši, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - There Was a Well-Trod Path, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - A Sweet Child Is Born, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - How Lovely You Are, Baby Jesus, .
Chamber instrumental ensemble - The Lord Jesus Is Born, .
Beno Blachut - I Would Like to Go to Betlehem, .
Milada Boublíková - Lullaby - Wanting Him to Sleep, .
Milada Boublíková - The Son of God Is Born to Us, .
Marie Němcová - Listen to Me a Little, .
Brigita Šulcová - Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: Of Many Martyrs
Brigita Šulcová - Epistle of Poggio Bracciolini of Florence to Leonard Bruni of Arezzo on the Condemnation of Master Jeroným of Prague, .: In praise of Master Jan Hus