Amanda Majeski
Amanda Majeski热门歌曲
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 1: "A potom běž domů"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: "Víš co mi napadlo?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: "Ale nač tobě to vykládám?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: "Což pak už mne nemáš rád?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act II Scene 1: "Vida, chvástala jsi se"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act II Scene 1: "Půjdu též se projít"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Ach Glašo!"
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Skoreye, vody!
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 4:Ty żyjesz?
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 4:Beregites!
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Du vest lebn, dos iz emes
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Ty, dolinushka dolina, razdolye shirokoye
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:„Geliebter, mein geliebter Tadek!“
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Jeśliby zawezwał mnie do siebie Bóg
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Bon, après moi répète: je vis
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 2:Ta Niemka patrzy na mnie tak badawczo
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Další den minul, uplynul
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Spasibo... Vyruchila...
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Pozdravlyayu, Marta!
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Tiene razón, Tadeusz tiene razón
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Novenkiye, novenkiye, kha, kha, kha!
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Vspomnyat li nas kogda-nibud lyudi?
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act I Scene 3:Mais pourqoui tant de rage dans ta voix?
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Scene 6:Hör mal, Marta, wenn du möchtest, besucht dich morgen hier dein Tadeusz
Amanda Majeski - The Passenger, Act II Epilogue:Jak cicho wokół mnie!
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: Zdráva...
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 1: "Tu jdou! Maminka jde s nimi!"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Proč se tak chovají?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Ale smrt nepřichází"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Ptáčci přiletí na mohylu"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: "Zdráva..."
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act I Scene 2: "Abych ani otce"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act II Scene 2: "Jste to vy, Katěrino Petrovno?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act II Scene 2: "Nuže, shodli jste se?"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Vidět se s ním"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Svedl nás Bůh!"
Sir Simon Rattle - Katya Kabanova, JW I/8, Act III Scene 2: "Ale ne!"
Yang Shen - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act I Scene 1: Nun hör', Hagen, sage mir, Held (Gunther, Hagen, Gutrune)
Gun-Brit Barkmin - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act II Scene 4: Was ist ihr? Ist sie entrückt? (Chorus, Siegfried, Brünnhilde, Hagen, Gunther, Gutrune)
Gun-Brit Barkmin - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act II Scene 4: Achtest du so der eignen Ehre? (Siegfried, Brünnhilde, Chorus, Gunther, Gutrune, Hagen)
Amanda Majeski - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act III Scene 3: War das sein Horn? (Gutrune, Hagen, Gunther)
Gun-Brit Barkmin - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act III Scene 3: Schweigt eures Jammers (Brünnhilde, Gutrune)
Yang Shen - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act I Scene 1: Was weckst du Zweifel und Zwist? (Gunther, Hagen, Gutrune)
Amanda Majeski - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act I Scene 2: Willkommen, Gast, in Gibichs Haus! (Gutrune, Siegfried, Gunther)
Daniel Brenna - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act I Scene 2: Blut-Brüderschaft schwöre ein Eid! (Siegfried, Gunther, Hagen, Gutrune)
Daniel Brenna - Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods):Act II Scene 2: Hoiho, Hagen! Müder Mann! (Siegfried, Hagen, Gutrune)
Amanda Majeski - Konigskinder (The King's Children):Act I: Vater! Mutter! Hier will ich knien (Gansemagd)
Amanda Majeski - Konigskinder (The King's Children):Act I: Grossmutter! Wie lang ist's der Zeit (Gansemagd)