

real music唱片公司最为擅长发行精选集,可能是因为他们的作品音乐品质无可挑剔的缘故吧。在这之前刚发完其减压精选《Sacred Spa Music Series》系列专辑。现在给大家提供的iRelax Music系列总共有5张CD,分别适合在不同的场合中聆听。比如此系列中的《In Traffic》是适合在塞车的时候在车上听的音乐,尽管如此,real music的音乐大多都是以轻柔的格调为主,旨在让你彻底的放松心情,阻隔来至于世界各处的噪音,忘掉所有的烦忧。 iRelax Anywhere收录13首由旗下乐手演奏的作品,优美柔和的调子,百听不厌的旋律,在日常充满嗓音的世界中,令听众得以藉着音乐来抛开尘世间之一切烦优,把你带对安静,平衡地方。音色纯和优美,是抒缓音乐的极品。 Created for those times when the day tells you, "Take a break, relax, rejuvenate." Let this music take you to a place where nothing can disturb you. When asked what they most desire, people overwhelmingly respond, "Relief from stress and worry." Relaxation is critical in helping us cope with the noise and agitation everywhere in our world. The iRelax Music Series albums take you to a place of calm, balance and wellbeing. All you have to do is listen.
