

孟买的富商桑杰辛哈尼亚是幻音公司总裁,他就像隐士一样住在Hiranandani Complex的奥德赛公寓里,虽然很富有却很少在媒体上露脸。卡尔帕谢蒂是个活泼富有同情心的小广告模特,由于一次误解,卡尔帕谢蒂硬着头皮声称自己就是桑杰辛哈尼亚的女朋友,闹出不少笑话,其实她连桑杰辛哈尼亚的长相都不知道,但他们还是相爱了。卡尔帕谢蒂从大佬Ghajini Dharmatma手中救出了25名少女 ,最终惹来杀身只祸,桑杰也被Ghajini用铁棒击中头部,失去了记忆,而脑部的短时记忆功能的丧失让他只能记得15分钟以内的事情。但一心想报复的桑杰在医生的帮助下重新拼凑着过去的点点滴滴,通过纹身,笔记,宝丽来照片,生活用品上的标注等...开始了复仇之路。督察古塔亚达夫发现桑杰伤害了很多人,开始追捕他,而Ghajin和他的爪牙们到了桑杰的公寓想抹去所有的证据和桑杰长期以来收集的资料以确保他忘记过去的一切。   印度一贯的歌舞仍在这部动作电影中出现(不多),但是女主角(阿辛Asin Thottumkal)轻松活泼自然的表演让人不觉得乏味,反倒觉得有些喜剧效果,给电影增加一丝新意,也能让观众轻松片刻。电影在节奏上和气氛把握上作得还是不错的,一部长达3小时的电影却不会让你犯困。  Overall a good album. This is probably the the fifth album that AR Rahman gave music for this year. However, it has been a pretty good year for ARR's music.  The music of this movie does not deter from the expectations of a bollywood potboiler (which I have yet to see). I am rating each song below, which are based on my personal preferences.  1. Guzarish: This song sung by Javed is a easy listening romantic melody.  2. Aye Bachchu: Suzanne does an excellent job with this song as delivers it with a great attitude. While I was a little disappointed with this song, it will definitely appeal to some listeners. There is no ARR magic like in Rangeela in this song.  3. Kaise Mujhe: This is a beautiful song and Benny Dayal has not been credited but he sang the bulk of the song and he does a fantastic job of rendering the song with a good mix of highs and lows. Shreya as usual is fantastic. Overall, my personal favorite and you can get the true feel of ARR.  4. Behka: Karthik renders this song very well and is a melodious song with a nice mix of instruments.  5. Latoo: A typical bollywood song from Shreya, but very good.  Overall, a good album and ARR does not disappoint. Aamir & ARR's combination delivers a good album with some variety. A couple of romantic numbers and a couple of funky ones. 
