

“Weight”, the new single from dream pop duo Spectator, sweeps a whirlwind of emotions through a vast, open heart holding on to something that is about to change. Layers of upbeat guitar symbolize the free, unbolted feeling of living in the moment as the moment itself begins to fade away. Bright, glossy melodies pulse like a rush of blood, adrenaline in full gear. “Weight” savors the bliss of the moment before having to let go, and is off the upcoming album, Charlie, Baby (out April 12, 2019).“Albert's rich voice carefully contrasts the lightness of the guitar and tambourine making every line he sings front and center.” — Dara Bankole, The Wild Honeypie “Weight” bursts with dream pop exuberance through the clenched fifist of time. As the seasons begin to change, “Weight” lingers in the fifinal, purest state of being right before the switch is flflipped. Lyrically, the single establishes a juxtaposition between joy and longing. Each word acknowledges the inevitable effects of time flfleeting, yet there is a strong craving to drink every last drop of its potent sweetness. Charlie, Baby is Spectator’s second full-length album and was recorded at Native Sound Recording in Saint Louis. The themes behind the songs that make up the album are pulled from both personal experiences, and experiences from society at large. Each song lyrically interprets various forms of loss including the loss of loved ones, freedom, and homes, as if examining them under a microscope. The album as a whole takes a step back, connecting the dots of each experience, exploring what is lost but also what is gained through loss. Charlie, Baby reflflects on the lonely nights, the empty hearts seeking fulfifillment, and holding onto remembrances of something or someone disappearing from view.


