Presidential Campaign Songs, 1789-1996
Free Elections - Oscar Brand
Follow Washington (George Washington) - Oscar Brand
Adams and Liberty (John Adams) - Oscar Brand
For Jefferson and Liberty (Thomas Jefferson) - Oscar Brand
Huzzah for Madison, Huzzah (James Madison) - Oscar Brand
Monroe is the Man (James Monroe) - Oscar Brand
Little Know Ye Who's Coming (John Quincy Adams) - Oscar Brand
Jackson and Kentucky (Andrew Jackson) - Oscar Brand
Rockabye, Baby (Martin Van Buren) - Oscar Brand
The Harrison Yankee Doodle (William Henry Harrison) - Oscar Brand
Tippacanoe and Tyler, Too (John Tyler) - Oscar Brand
Jimmy Polk of Tennessee (James Polk) - Oscar Brand
Rumadum Dum (Zachary Taylor) - Oscar Brand
The Union Wagon (Millard Fillmore) - Oscar Brand
Pierce and King (Franklin Pierce) - Oscar Brand
Buchanan and John Breckenridge (James Buchanan) - Oscar Brand
Lincoln and Liberty (Abraham Lincoln) - Oscar Brand
Just Before Election, Andy (Andrew Johnson) - Oscar Brand
Grant, Grant, Grant (Ulysses S. Grant) - Oscar Brand
For Hayes and Wheeler, Too (Rutherford B. Hayes) - Oscar Brand
If the Johnnies Get Into Power Again (James A. Garfield) - Oscar Brand
Democrats, Good Democrats (Grover Cleveland) - Oscar Brand
He's All Right (Benjamin Harrison) - Oscar Brand
Marching with McKinley (William McKinley) - Oscar Brand
Roosevelt the Cry (Theodore Roosevelt) - Oscar Brand
Get on a Raft with Taft (William H. Taft) - Oscar Brand
Wilson, That's All (Woodrow Wilson) - Oscar Brand
Harding, You're the Man for Us (Warren Harding) - Oscar Brand
Keep Cool and Keep Coolidge (Calvin Coolidge) - Oscar Brand
If He's Good Enough for Lindy (Herbert Hoover) - Oscar Brand
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Back Again (Franklin Delano Roosevel t) - Oscar Brand
I'm Just Wild About Harry (Harry S. Truman) - Oscar Brand
I Like Ike (Dwight Eisenhower) - Oscar Brand
Marching Down to Washington (John Kennedy) - Oscar Brand
Hello, Lyndon (Lyndon Johnson) - Oscar Brand
Buckle Down with Nixon (Richard Nixon) - Oscar Brand
I'm Feeling Good About America (Gerald Ford) - Oscar Brand
Why Not the Best? (Jimmy Carter) - Oscar Brand
California, Here We Come (Ronald Reagan) - Oscar Brand
This Land is Your Land (George Bush) - Oscar Brand
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow (William Clinton) - Oscar Brand
The Same Merry Go-Round - Oscar Brand
Song of the Presidents - Oscar Brand