Cyber Pleasure

Cyber Pleasure

Shut in behind shuttered blinds, Katla took a drag of her cigarette. She didn’t know why she smoked. Perhaps it was just because the other girls did it. Of course, the other girls were those who had so kindly chased her into this hollow out of fear. She was different, she did their work better, her skin was interrupted by alloyed plates and her body couldn’t feel a single pleasure that wasn’t carnal. With a quick puff, Katla cursed herself and her designers, who had so brilliantly forbade her from so much of the world with a few lines of code and subcutaneous circuitry connections. Most food tasted the same, she had no sense of smell, and no drug nor the cigarette she smoked could ever help her escape the life that festered in these neon alleyways as they did for everyone else. No, her cyber pleasures were rooted firmly in a single sense - touch, the medium through which she performed her work. Katla had recently begun to wonder if she’d find pleasure in some of the more perverse applications of that sense. Sexual pleasures had become all but passe to her, but she knew that human brains could easily twist the pathways between joy and terror. She wondered if she’d find pleasure in killing someone. Sometimes, she considered crushing her client’s windpipes. The sinewy synthetic silk that made up her tendons gave her enough strength to do so with only her ring and pinky finger. She imagined the suckering “pop” that might emanate were she to pluck an eyeball from its socket, or the warmth of the blood that might spray forth from an artery severed by the honed edges of her acrylic nails. She was awoken from her daydream by a knock on the door - a client, she supposed. Katla took one last long drag of her cigarette and took a single, small delight in the sensation of extinguishing its embered end on the tip of her tongue. Perhaps, she mused as she walked to answer the door, perhaps... KUTLO makes his EATBRAIN debut with CYBER PLEASURE, an EP that brings a tantalizing array of auditory delights to the eager ears of the Eatbrain horde. With him arrive a host of talents known to loyal label listeners, as he collaborates with Liveon, Notequal, and famed vocalist Fedora for the creation of four tracks that ooze with a KUTLO’s sleek cybernetic style.


