I'm Tired (Love)

I'm Tired (Love)

Jonas Schmidt - I'm Tired (Love) [Sirup Music - SIR1384] With his new banger called I'M TIRED (LOVE), JONAS SCHMIDT is definitely gonna shake more than just a few stages and dancefloors! An ATMOSPHERIC RUMBLING of low bass frequencies build tension until they ERUPT INTO A CRAZE OF LAYERS! Jonas uses instruments to shift into one another to form this ultimate mountain of a track! One thing is sure: you won't be tired of dancing to this ;) Infos: http://www.sirupmusic.com http://www.youtube.com/sirupmusic http://www.facebook.com/SirupMusic https://www.facebook.com/jonaschmidtofficial https://www.instagram.com/jonasschmidtofficial https://soundcloud.com/jonasschmidtofficial


