Csapo: Great Initial / Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:V-enek I [Old Women's Abandon I] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Sarga-ja-csiko - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:A buszsofor szub-basszusa [Sub-bass of the Bus Driver] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:V-enek II [Old Women's Abandon II] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Hoquetus I [Hoquet I] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:V-enek III, "Inkantacio" [Old Women's Incantation] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Hoquetus II [Hoquet II] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Hoquetus III [Hoquet III] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Korushurkok rakmenetben / Chanson-toredekek [Reverse Choral Loops / Chanson Fragments] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Boszorkanyszombat / Georgette [Old Witches' Revelry / Georgette] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Glosszolalia / Georgette / Samanenek [Glossolalia / Georgette / Shaman Tune] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Samanenek / Csuszamlo felutesek [Shaman Tune / Aviso Loops] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Beszedoszlopok [Spoken Columns I] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Matild csasztuskaja [Matild's Chastushka] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Samanenek / Csuszamlo felutesek / Matild [Shaman Tune / Aviso Loops / Matild] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Samanenek / Csuszamlo felutesek / Ferfihangok [Shaman Tune / Aviso Loops / Male Voices] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Korusoszlopok II / Toredekek / A nagy felutes [Chorus Columns II / Fragments / The Grand Aviso] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Feny [Light] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Ferfi torokhang-kepletek [Male Throat-sounds Formulae] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Tritona I - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Szilard alapokon [Over Solid Foundations] "Nu descendant un escalier" - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Tritona II, a szegeny kis buszsofor panaszai [Tritona II, the Bus Driver's Complaint] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Basszus-es fiu-kepletek / Akkordok / Utolso akkordok csokkeno fenyben [Basses and Boys' Formulae / Chords / Last Chords in Dimming Light] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Fiu-kepletek idos ferfihangokon / Csatlakozo fiuk felszallo agban [Boys' Formulae by Old Male Voices / Boys Join in Upwards Surge] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Feny / Nu descendant un escalier foghijas lepcsokon [Light / Nu descendant un escalier with Missing Steps] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Valtakozo akkordok / Maganhangzo-utazas / Egi feny [Alternating Chords / Vowel Travel / Heavenly Light] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Fiu-es ferfi-kepletek [Boys and Men's Patterns] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Vegyes alaszallas, fenekig [Mixed descent all the way] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Tucsok-koda / Bolcsodesek [Chicada Coda / Nursery Children] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Bolcsodes fiu mondokaja [Nursey Boy's Spell], "Milyen jo anya" [What a Good Mother] - Field Musicians
A Nagy Iniciale (the Great Initial), "emberhangidoszobor" [humanvoicetimesculpture]:Bolcsodesek mennyei sikolya [Nursery Children's Celestial Shriek] - Field Musicians
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):1-130 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):131-201 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):202-280 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):281-460 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):461-518 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):519-575 - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):576-622, "Cadenza" - - Rivka Golani
Versenymu bracsara es valtozo kornyezetre (Concerto for Viola and a Changing Environment):623-659 - Rivka Golani