Metamorph (UMM rmx)
BEBO BEST: He has shared the stage with: Subsonica, Tambours du bronx, Sabri Brothers, Punjabi Mc, Sufi Dervisci Rotanti, Carmen Consoli, F. De Gregori, P. Pelù, Tiromancino, Nick Cave, Transglobal Underground... He participate to the project "Asian Garden", with: TRANSGLOBAL UNDERGROUND, NITIN SAWHNEY, TRILOK GURTU, ASIAN DUB FOUND., SINEAD O CONNOR , and highlight at the "1 Maggio- RAI national TV" festival in Rome, with an audience of over 700.000 people. • AS a Session-man he’s a well-known bass player, percussionist and drummer. Also plays Sitar, keybs and guitar. He has played infinite genres (jazz, funk, blues, classical, contemporary classical, Brasilian, salsa, house, pop, Indian, Afro, Ethnic, chill-out, experimental, minimalism) in music festivals abroad in like England, U.S.A., Italy, France, Switzerland, Curacao, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, working with/for U.S.A. top musicians David Torn (david bowie, jan garbarek, don cherry, david sylvian), Mark Abrams, Duck Baker, Cheryl Porter, Stephen James, and Mad Professor, Visnadi, Max mbassado, Pietro Russino, Victor Mc Surely (from Robert Fripp League of crafty guitarists), Patricio Morales, Vincenzo Zitello, Makam, Tintin, Sheik Omar Sanogo, Nour Eddine, Ghassan Mawlawi, Hakkah, Alex Masi, Alex Monti, Aldo Tagliapietra (le orme), Roberto Bortoluzzi (marisa monte), Gigi Masin (**iork), Estasia, Francesco Boldini, Renato Nota, David Soto Chero; blues men Andy J. Forest, D**k Herstall-Smith, Tolo Marton, James Thompson, David Srb, Fabio Treves; world music projects as Tantratribe, Paki Zennaro, Leo d Angilla, Anita Sief, Arlo Bigazzi; pop Pitura Freska, Skardy, Nossa alma Canta, Sabrina Salerno, Angela Milanese, Ricky Gianco, Andrea Braido, Bruno Lauzi, Magnetic 4, with top jazz players Marco Tamburini, France Bebo Best a.k.a. Bebo Baldan - (Pseudonyms: Bebo best Baldan, the Super Lounge Orchestra, Magnetic 4, Koko Chanel, the Alchemist, the Italian Jazz Art, Tantra, Tantra Tribe, Jaya, Peep Floyd; Zen Cafè) FAST BIO Composer, musician, arranger and sound engineer. He is the force behind THE SUPER LOUNGE ORCHESTRA, BRENDA BOYKIN, ROBERTINHO DE PAULA greatest project. He participate on over 400 cds BESIDE personalities as David Torn, James Taylor, Gilberto Gil, and releasing alongside artists as Jon Hassel, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens, Nitin Sawhney, Trilok Gurtu, Sinead O Connor, Mario Biondi, RuichI Sakamoto, Frank Zappa, Marisa Monte, Bebel Gilberto, Nicola Conte, Norah Jones, Fabrizio Bosso. Has worked on many soundtracks for films and TV, and reached an important career on Theater and Dance, working for artists as WOODY ALLEN, JANE CAMPION, CAROLYN CARLSON.sco Bearzatti, Edu Hebling, Maurizio Scomparin, David Boato, Danilo Gallo, Marco Castelli, Massimo Donà, Saverio Tasca, Marco Ponchiroli, brazilian singers Luma, Ligia Franca, Silvania dos Santos, Rosa Emilia, Gilberto Gil