Our Fathomless Nature

Our Fathomless Nature

The Agharta Council has spoken the Lemurian desire to seek refuge beneath Mt. Shasta is granted... We invite you to an esoteric world within the heart of the earth. We have channeled our energy, wisdom and history through this embodiment of work in what is Archon's fifth musical offering for his Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal project - VALIANT. Our Fathomless Nature is a sequel to the 2017 album "A Moribund Destiny" which saw the flood of the calamity of war force the civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria to flee within the Hollow Earth to survive. Their message has arrived... Our Fathomless Nature is about the existence of such intellectual beings. and their constant spiritual influence from a dimension on a much higher frequency than what we perceive as the physical dimension on the surface world. A dimension that manifests itself within the Earth we know today... Descend to the splendorous realm of Agartha into the grand city of light; Telos underneath Shasta Mountain in Northern California. This story takes place in such a city, a city in which your ascended masters await to guide you through the obstacles of life. This is OUR FATHOMLESS NATURE. OFN is the 4th Valiant record. 专辑上传:猛猛故人的幻想 / 暮色赞歌悲痛永生 / ChildrenOfThousandsLakes 2024-04-23
