Troja (Invasion Reprise)

Troja (Invasion Reprise)

The trojan horse became synonyme for cowardly placing an item within the enemies territory and act from within the wrongly believed comfort zone of the opponent. In the modern world trojans are mainly spyware that is secretly installed on a digital computer system or any other electronic devices. Even a disguised person acting to be part of a group to spy on certain members of that group is considered a trojan. PASSENGER 10 takes on this myth and takes us back into the times of the ancient greeks, where an alleged gift was placed in the middle of a village just to cowardly get an advantage over the enemy by surprisingly attacking them in the middle of the night. Our virtual globetrotter Passenger 10 aka Christian Beat Hirt is a fan of history and loves to dive into the ancient stories and fantastic myths and legends. We are sure you can hear this in his latest progressive house banger: A mixture of clubby beats and perfectly composed orchestral parts. For all the fans and supporters of Passenger 10 it comes as no surprise that the artist is able to combine the two very different musical worlds and make them sound as one big adventurous listening and dancing experience.


