《2nd》 - 从静候蜕变重生的连串音符之中,确切纪录每个以歌曲作品烙下的旅程足印;TYSON YOSHI 全新大碟《2nd》特别围绕过往一年之间,於主流音乐领域一一走过的成长经历作为创作主轴;再透过一系列满载无穷幻想、故事情节和个人感受的曲词语句,把早以深入乐迷脑海之中的个人形象,再次细腻刻划眼前。十首原创岀品,彷佛让听众尤如切身处地,亲历他从窝居睡房走往华丽舞台的音乐世界。相信这张历经长时间精心雕琢的《2nd》大碟作品,亦誓必成为 TYSON YOSHI 进化前夕的变奏序章,待续… - TYSON YOSHI's latest album, 《2nd》, highlights his footprints on the amazing journey he went through this past year and captures each step he took to get from his bedroom to the shining stage. This masterwork, which consists of 10 songs, not only captures the “Tyson” that everyone is familiar with today, but also foreshadows his "PRE EVOLUTION," or the future journey he will undertake. To be continued… - 特别介绍: 《Oh Jessica》 把这两年间个人对应名望声誉的处世态度,以故事形式投放於幻想的主角对象当中,《Oh Jessica》将引领各位走进 TYSON YOSHI 欲言又止的内心世界,窥探他苦苦挣扎的纠结思绪... - The unreleased song "Oh Jessica" is based on a fictional character who personifies Tyson's mental issues and projects his personal thoughts toward fame and loneliness in the last two years. - 《Be Mine》 以身边好友的亲身经历和个人幻想的情感投放代入,写成极具毒性的单向爱情故事;《Be Mine》慑人的曲词语句,将引领各位探索单恋和变态之间如幻似真的暧昧关系。说不定当中的虚构情节,正是我们每人心中的真实写照... - "Be Mine" is a toxic love story between a psychopath and his fictitious crush, something many have experienced -- untold feelings hidden deep inside their mind.