You know me
This track is also to celebrate 4 years of me making music (YAY) Whenever I hit a milestone like this I always look at the music I have made back then and how I compare now. I remembered the days of lurking for tips and tutorials on subreddits like r/edmproduction, which has helped me a lot. You can still even listen to my first upload on this channel, which is an entry to an r/edmp monthly sample competition 4 years ago. Though I rather you not, because I suck back then (even now lol) Anyway I still kept it here on Soundcloud after all these years. On that note, to celebrate 4 years I tried to rekindle the spirit of the competition I joined back then. Not that it's dead or anything, its still going on r/edmp every month (I highly encourage you to join one). But I went with the mindset of the competition rules while making this track. This track is 100% sampled from stems and tracks of one artist. No external samples were used except for the intro, which is from a disney movie (try to guess it lol) 27 tracks were used for this one. You could say this is for all the remix comps I missed ^-^; No synths were used.