宋城songcheng - 奕颗贝壳
无锡wuxi - 奕颗贝壳
已停止Has stopped - 奕颗贝壳
心理罪Psychological crime - 奕颗贝壳
踏实The steadfast1 - 奕颗贝壳
自强不息An unyielding - 奕颗贝壳
心力Mental And Physical Efforts - 奕颗贝壳
夫妻Husband and wife - 奕颗贝壳
物机部Machine the part - 奕颗贝壳
封面The cover - 奕颗贝壳
吉他The guitar - 奕颗贝壳
下棋Playing chess - 奕颗贝壳
短暂A brief1 - 奕颗贝壳
电话The phone1 - 奕颗贝壳
晨读The morning reading - 奕颗贝壳
教堂The church - 奕颗贝壳
交通The traffic - 奕颗贝壳
明细The detail - 奕颗贝壳
地板The floor - 奕颗贝壳
滑板The skateboard - 奕颗贝壳
篮球basketball - 奕颗贝壳
高尔夫golf - 奕颗贝壳
交强险insurance - 奕颗贝壳
榜样An example - 奕颗贝壳
房子house - 奕颗贝壳
放纵indulgence - 奕颗贝壳
骑士The knight - 奕颗贝壳
青年youth - 奕颗贝壳
国际The international - 奕颗贝壳
束缚bound - 奕颗贝壳
体能physical - 奕颗贝壳
爵迹Jue trace - 奕颗贝壳
肩膀shoulder - 奕颗贝壳
垃圾The garbage - 奕颗贝壳
高手master - 奕颗贝壳
简单simple - 奕颗贝壳
中等medium - 奕颗贝壳
困难difficult - 奕颗贝壳
模式model - 奕颗贝壳
模特model - 奕颗贝壳
号码number - 奕颗贝壳
手术surgery - 奕颗贝壳
康复rehabilitation - 奕颗贝壳
麻醉anesthesia - 奕颗贝壳
收拾To pick up - 奕颗贝壳
光芒light1 - 奕颗贝壳
紧绷tight - 奕颗贝壳
梳理comb - 奕颗贝壳
有限CoLTD - 奕颗贝壳
稀薄Thin - 奕颗贝壳
堂堂正正Dignified And Imposing - 奕颗贝壳
流汗sweat - 奕颗贝壳
包袱baggage - 奕颗贝壳
彩色Colours - 奕颗贝壳
樱桃树The cherry tree - 奕颗贝壳
低估underestimate - 奕颗贝壳
曙光dawn - 奕颗贝壳
魄力Courage - 奕颗贝壳
晴空万里Clear blue skies - 奕颗贝壳
便捷convenient - 奕颗贝壳
边缘The Edge - 奕颗贝壳
理论性theoretical - 奕颗贝壳
意义上In A sense - 奕颗贝壳
规律regular - 奕颗贝壳
治疗treatment - 奕颗贝壳
论述Discuss - 奕颗贝壳
自来水Tap water - 奕颗贝壳
屏幕胶片Screen film - 奕颗贝壳
压力pressure - 奕颗贝壳
途径way - 奕颗贝壳
滑稽之想The funny idea - 奕颗贝壳
实例The instance - 奕颗贝壳
苛求demanding - 奕颗贝壳
开市Start Trading - 奕颗贝壳
涨停harden - 奕颗贝壳
跌停Drop stop - 奕颗贝壳
碰撞The collision - 奕颗贝壳
膨胀inflation - 奕颗贝壳
遐想Daydream - 奕颗贝壳
心灵The mind - 奕颗贝壳
黄昏dusk - 奕颗贝壳
憧憬Looking forward to1 - 奕颗贝壳
翅膀wings - 奕颗贝壳
巧手A Dab Hand - 奕颗贝壳
深深浅浅Deeply shallow - 奕颗贝壳
轻舞Light dance - 奕颗贝壳
西域The western regions - 奕颗贝壳
惊涛骇浪Terrifying Waves - 奕颗贝壳
经商To do business - 奕颗贝壳
绚丽gorgeous - 奕颗贝壳
深层deep - 奕颗贝壳
降落landing - 奕颗贝壳
出舱Out of the tank - 奕颗贝壳
废弃abandoned - 奕颗贝壳
值得worth - 奕颗贝壳
设计design - 奕颗贝壳
荒凉desolate - 奕颗贝壳
拖drag - 奕颗贝壳
吸引To attract - 奕颗贝壳
穿过Through the - 奕颗贝壳
驾驶员The driver - 奕颗贝壳
醉汉The drunk - 奕颗贝壳
预定reservation - 奕颗贝壳
乏味boring - 奕颗贝壳
责任responsibility - 奕颗贝壳
极大great - 奕颗贝壳
完全completely - 奕颗贝壳
题目The title - 奕颗贝壳
入口The entrance - 奕颗贝壳
安装The installation - 奕颗贝壳
特别special - 奕颗贝壳
确立establish - 奕颗贝壳
逃避escape - 奕颗贝壳
最后The last - 奕颗贝壳
任何时候At any time - 奕颗贝壳
发展The development of - 奕颗贝壳
钻石diamond - 奕颗贝壳
节食Go on a diet - 奕颗贝壳
宴会The banquet - 奕颗贝壳
失望disappointed1 - 奕颗贝壳
伪装camouflage - 奕颗贝壳
陈列display - 奕颗贝壳
地面The ground - 奕颗贝壳
边缘The edge1 - 奕颗贝壳
年长older - 奕颗贝壳
大使馆The embassy - 奕颗贝壳
雇员employees - 奕颗贝壳
交换exchange - 奕颗贝壳
语气tone - 奕颗贝壳
专家experts - 奕颗贝壳
解释explain - 奕颗贝壳
说明会presentation - 奕颗贝壳
门铃The doorbell - 奕颗贝壳
一望无际vast - 奕颗贝壳
机车The locomotive - 奕颗贝壳
表白I love - 奕颗贝壳
范围The scope of - 奕颗贝壳
不平凡No ordinary - 奕颗贝壳
工程engineering - 奕颗贝壳
博览会The fair - 奕颗贝壳
公正justice - 奕颗贝壳
真巧What a coincidence - 奕颗贝壳
跟单The documentary - 奕颗贝壳
告别Say goodbye to - 奕颗贝壳
英尺feet - 奕颗贝壳
田野The field - 奕颗贝壳
数码digital - 奕颗贝壳
最终In the end - 奕颗贝壳
森林The forest1 - 奕颗贝壳
幸运lucky1 - 奕颗贝壳
优惠preferential - 奕颗贝壳
家具furniture - 奕颗贝壳
设备equipment - 奕颗贝壳
卫兵The guard - 奕颗贝壳
指针Pointer to the - 奕颗贝壳
习性habits - 奕颗贝壳
钢壳Steel shell - 奕颗贝壳
几乎almost - 奕颗贝壳
收获harvest - 奕颗贝壳
险恶sinister - 奕颗贝壳
拥有have1 - 奕颗贝壳
老实honest - 奕颗贝壳
医院The hospital - 奕颗贝壳
点燃lit - 奕颗贝壳
液体liquid - 奕颗贝壳
包括including - 奕颗贝壳
收入income - 奕颗贝壳
打听Inquire about - 奕颗贝壳
梯子The ladder - 奕颗贝壳
律师The lawyer - 奕颗贝壳
带领led - 奕颗贝壳
通心粉macaroni - 奕颗贝壳
人力human - 奕颗贝壳
走动Walking around - 奕颗贝壳
打断interrupt - 奕颗贝壳
说谎lying - 奕颗贝壳
修正correction - 奕颗贝壳
关心Care about - 奕颗贝壳
怪物The monster - 奕颗贝壳
山区The mountains - 奕颗贝壳
服从obey - 奕颗贝壳
天文台The observatory - 奕颗贝壳
明显obvious - 奕颗贝壳
官方The official - 奕颗贝壳
小路The path1 - 奕颗贝壳
耐心Patience, - 奕颗贝壳
根基roots - 奕颗贝壳
必要necessary - 奕颗贝壳
还是or - 奕颗贝壳
崇高noble - 奕颗贝壳
自己的Their own - 奕颗贝壳
主任The Director - 奕颗贝壳
画家The painter - 奕颗贝壳
宫殿The palace - 奕颗贝壳
管子The pipe - 奕颗贝壳
平原The plain - 奕颗贝壳
植物王国The plant kingdom - 奕颗贝壳
点point - 奕颗贝壳
警局The police station - 奕颗贝壳
礼貌polite - 奕颗贝壳
贫民The poor - 奕颗贝壳
处理To deal with - 奕颗贝壳
自豪proud - 奕颗贝壳
公共public - 奕颗贝壳
小学生Primary school students - 奕颗贝壳
勉强reluctantly - 奕颗贝壳
残余residual - 奕颗贝壳
提醒remind - 奕颗贝壳
代替Instead of - 奕颗贝壳
回复reply - 奕颗贝壳
屋顶The roof - 奕颗贝壳
划船rowing - 奕颗贝壳
无礼rude - 奕颗贝壳
袭击attack - 奕颗贝壳
安全security - 奕颗贝壳
启航Does the ship leave - 奕颗贝壳
海员Seafarers' - 奕颗贝壳
感觉feeling - 奕颗贝壳
敏感sensitive - 奕颗贝壳