彼得潘 Peter Pan - 奕颗贝壳
夜店猎人 Nightclub hunter - 奕颗贝壳
清醒的城市 Sober city - 奕颗贝壳
六弄咖啡馆 At Café 6 - 奕颗贝壳
杜鵑窩 CUCKOO's NEST - 奕颗贝壳
爱上不平凡的你 Fall in love with another you - 奕颗贝壳
可爱的你 lovely girl - 奕颗贝壳
致我们单纯的小美好 A Love So Beautiful - 奕颗贝壳
终于等到你 Finally waiting for you - 奕颗贝壳
小丑鱼的世界 Clownfish world - 奕颗贝壳
快乐一次拥有 Happiness at once - 奕颗贝壳
圣诞夜奇幻之旅 Christmas Eve Fantasy Tour - 奕颗贝壳
转眼时光 In a blink of an eye - 奕颗贝壳
80年动感 80 years of motion - 奕颗贝壳
玩了很久的知己 a longtime confidant - 奕颗贝壳
夜幕低垂时 When the night is low - 奕颗贝壳
轻松惬意 Easy and comfortable - 奕颗贝壳
从不在意 Never care - 奕颗贝壳
士兵恐惧 Soldier fear - 奕颗贝壳
鬼魅上身 Ghostly upper body - 奕颗贝壳
电子人偶 Electronic doll - 奕颗贝壳
乡村风情 Rural style - 奕颗贝壳
记忆点滴 Memory - 奕颗贝壳
百忙之中的清闲 Leisure in your busy schedule - 奕颗贝壳
祈愿时刻 wishing moment - 奕颗贝壳
低谷绝望 Despair - 奕颗贝壳
正确的抉择 The right choice - 奕颗贝壳
当掌声响起 When the applause sounds - 奕颗贝壳
温柔真实的你 Gentle and true you - 奕颗贝壳
搞笑气氛 funny ambience - 奕颗贝壳
狂野旅行 Wild travel - 奕颗贝壳
心情原动力 Motive force - 奕颗贝壳
根本不担心 Don't worry at all - 奕颗贝壳
耍酷装模作样 Playing cool - 奕颗贝壳
拓展舒适圈 Expand the comfort zone - 奕颗贝壳
至上奇观 Supreme wonder - 奕颗贝壳
爱你的理由 Reason for loving you - 奕颗贝壳
不放弃的初衷 the original intention of noe deflated - 奕颗贝壳
舞感环境 Dance environment - 奕颗贝壳
开火时刻Opening moment - 奕颗贝壳
相遇维度 Meeting dimension - 奕颗贝壳
荒谬难题 Ridiculous problem - 奕颗贝壳
五音不全 Five insufficiency - 奕颗贝壳
绝不会是经典 Never a classic - 奕颗贝壳
小人物悲伤 Little character sadness - 奕颗贝壳
无聊至极 Bored to extreme - 奕颗贝壳
人的追求 Human pursuit - 奕颗贝壳
被冠上的标签 Topped label - 奕颗贝壳
时尚摇滚先驱 Fashion rock pioneer - 奕颗贝壳
好事好事 absolute good thing - 奕颗贝壳
点滴人生 Bit of life - 奕颗贝壳
希望的总和 Sum of hope - 奕颗贝壳
忧郁森林Melancholy forest - 奕颗贝壳
热闹空城Lively empty city - 奕颗贝壳
吸血鬼城堡Vampire Castle - 奕颗贝壳
跳跳星球Jumping planet - 奕颗贝壳
老残游记Old Travels - 奕颗贝壳
度假天堂Holiday paradise - 奕颗贝壳
炫丽都会Dazzling city - 奕颗贝壳
森林精灵Forest elf - 奕颗贝壳
心灵释怀Mind release - 奕颗贝壳
神经气爽Nervous - 奕颗贝壳
愉快回忆Happy memories - 奕颗贝壳
二度空间Second space - 奕颗贝壳
幽幽深海Faint deep sea - 奕颗贝壳
快乐时光happy time - 奕颗贝壳
古老音乐盒Ancient music box - 奕颗贝壳
现代科学Modern science - 奕颗贝壳
深夜徘徊Late night - 奕颗贝壳
宇宙观Cosmology - 奕颗贝壳
粉红恋爱Pink love - 奕颗贝壳
生命万物Everything in life - 奕颗贝壳
森林之舞Forest dance - 奕颗贝壳
游走漫步Wander around - 奕颗贝壳
舞龙舞狮Dragon and lion dance - 奕颗贝壳
狂欢派对Carnival party - 奕颗贝壳
思考方向Thinking direction - 奕颗贝壳
女王宴会Queen banquet - 奕颗贝壳
儿童乐园Children's playground - 奕颗贝壳
分手前戏Break up foreplay - 奕颗贝壳
不安全感Insecurity - 奕颗贝壳
寻找自己Find yourself - 奕颗贝壳
勇敢孤单Brave and lonely - 奕颗贝壳
欢乐气氛Happy atmosphere - 奕颗贝壳
黑暗欢乐Dark joy - 奕颗贝壳
诡异时钟Different clock - 奕颗贝壳
潜浮围机Submersible floating machine - 奕颗贝壳
遗弃孤岛Abandoned island - 奕颗贝壳
心事重重Have a lot of troubles - 奕颗贝壳
外国悠游Foreign leisure tour - 奕颗贝壳
走跳游玩Jump and play - 奕颗贝壳
圣诞奇机Christmas machine - 奕颗贝壳
绿树清水Green water - 奕颗贝壳
才华横溢Talented - 奕颗贝壳
调皮捣蛋Naughty quail - 奕颗贝壳
破铜烂铁Broken copper - 奕颗贝壳
一疙人的忧伤a sorrowful sadness - 奕颗贝壳
恋爱中的女孩Girl in love - 奕颗贝壳
马戏团之舞Circus dance - 奕颗贝壳
快乐生活happy life - 奕颗贝壳
停止呼吸stop breathing - 奕颗贝壳
不确定的暧昧Uncertain - 奕颗贝壳
偷偷想念Secretly miss - 奕颗贝壳
动感十足Dynamic - 奕颗贝壳
生化围机Biochemical fence - 奕颗贝壳
淡淡的忧伤A touch of sadness - 奕颗贝壳
忧郁空气Melancholy air - 奕颗贝壳
娱乐酒罢Entertainment wine - 奕颗贝壳
希望未来Hope for the future - 奕颗贝壳
绝望的希望Desperate hope - 奕颗贝壳
祈待其机Pray for its machine - 奕颗贝壳
科技幻想Technology fantasy - 奕颗贝壳
乐观态度Optimistic - 奕颗贝壳
让我留在这里Let me stay here - 奕颗贝壳
日全食Total eclipse - 奕颗贝壳
舞动节奏Dancing rhythm - 奕颗贝壳
泡泡幻想Bubble fantasy - 奕颗贝壳
月亮女孩Moon girl - 奕颗贝壳
恐怖组织Terrorist organization - 奕颗贝壳
黄金山城Golden Mountain City - 奕颗贝壳
人生海海Life sea - 奕颗贝壳
初恋忧伤First love sadness - 奕颗贝壳
一个人的幻想世界a fantasy world of one person - 奕颗贝壳
特殊关西Special Kansai - 奕颗贝壳
最终幻境Final fantasy - 奕颗贝壳
郁郁寡欢Unhappy - 奕颗贝壳
新纪元New era - 奕颗贝壳
敌对势力Hostile forces - 奕颗贝壳
电玩宅想Video game - 奕颗贝壳
简单生活simple life - 奕颗贝壳
西部牛仔Cowboy - 奕颗贝壳
热带冒险Tropical adventure - 奕颗贝壳
张三的歌Zhang song - 奕颗贝壳
你的眼神You look in the eyes - 奕颗贝壳
外婆的澎湖湾My grandmother's penghu bay - 奕颗贝壳
你一定要是个孩子You must be a child - 奕颗贝壳
把悲伤留给自己Keep your grief to yourself - 奕颗贝壳
恰似你的温柔Like your tenderness - 奕颗贝壳
给电影人的情书Love letters to filmmakers - 奕颗贝壳
乡间小路Country road - 奕颗贝壳
缺口gap - 奕颗贝壳
夜上海Night Shanghai - 奕颗贝壳
南屏晚钟Nanping bells - 奕颗贝壳
被遗忘的时光Forgotten time - 奕颗贝壳
油麻菜籽Hemp seed oil - 奕颗贝壳
相思雨Love the rain - 奕颗贝壳
驿动的心The heart of the act - 奕颗贝壳
六月茉莉June jasmine - 奕颗贝壳
往事只能回味The past can only be recalled - 奕颗贝壳
老曲盘Releases disc - 奕颗贝壳
我要如何不想他How can I not think about him - 奕颗贝壳
痴痴的等Stupid etc - 奕颗贝壳
亲密爱人Intimate lover - 奕颗贝壳
大约在冬季Around winter - 奕颗贝壳
什么都不必说Don't say anything - 奕颗贝壳
一剪梅changjiang - 奕颗贝壳
梦驼铃Dream camel - 奕颗贝壳
草原之夜The prairie night - 奕颗贝壳
尘缘The fate of the world - 奕颗贝壳
昨夜小楼又东风Small building and east wind last night - 奕颗贝壳
凤凰于飞Phoenix form - 奕颗贝壳
龙的传人Descendants of the dragon - 奕颗贝壳
花心Flower heart - 奕颗贝壳
千里之外Thousands of miles away - 奕颗贝壳
闽南语歌曲终场Minnan song finale - 奕颗贝壳
楚留香新传A new legend of chu liu xiang - 奕颗贝壳
绿岛小夜曲Green island serenade - 奕颗贝壳
二分明月A half moon - 奕颗贝壳
我赖你I depend on you - 奕颗贝壳
掉了off - 奕颗贝壳
我最亲爱的My dearest - 奕颗贝壳
你被写在我的歌里You are written in my song - 奕颗贝壳
女爵dame - 奕颗贝壳
百日告别The one hundredday goodbye - 奕颗贝壳
被雨伤透Rain break - 奕颗贝壳
这样的一个麻烦Such a trouble - 奕颗贝壳
不好bad - 奕颗贝壳
你喔Oh you - 奕颗贝壳
小点歌Small and so - 奕颗贝壳
罗生门rashomon - 奕颗贝壳
我们走了一光年We traveled a light year - 奕颗贝壳
偷闲的翅膀The wings of leisure - 奕颗贝壳
带我走Take me away - 奕颗贝壳
当我们一起走过When we walk together - 奕颗贝壳
燕窝Bird's nest - 奕颗贝壳
故事The story - 奕颗贝壳
是我的海Is my sea - 奕颗贝壳
无眠sleepless - 奕颗贝壳
日光The sun - 奕颗贝壳
飞鱼The flying fish - 奕颗贝壳
左边On the left - 奕颗贝壳
控制狂A control freak - 奕颗贝壳
茧cocoon - 奕颗贝壳
天天晴朗Sunny every day - 奕颗贝壳
融雪之前Melting snow before - 奕颗贝壳
爱人动物Love animals - 奕颗贝壳
背着你Carry you - 奕颗贝壳
嬉戏之后After the play - 奕颗贝壳
花茶Scented tea - 奕颗贝壳
空气中的视听与幻觉Audiovisual and hallucination in the air - 奕颗贝壳
彼得与狼Peter and the Wolf - 奕颗贝壳
相信believe - 奕颗贝壳
被雨困住的城市The city caught in the rain - 奕颗贝壳
已经already - 奕颗贝壳
你在烦恼什么What are you worrying about - 奕颗贝壳
我的未来不是梦My future is not just a dream - 奕颗贝壳
在我们之间Between us - 奕颗贝壳
无与伦比的美丽Incomparable beauty - 奕颗贝壳
迟到千年Late in one thousand - 奕颗贝壳
漂浮floating - 奕颗贝壳
吵noisy - 奕颗贝壳
掌声落下Falling applause - 奕颗贝壳
痛快的哀艳Full of woe - 奕颗贝壳
说了再见以后After saying goodbye - 奕颗贝壳
浪漫派romantic - 奕颗贝壳
我好想你I miss you so much - 奕颗贝壳
再遇见Meet again - 奕颗贝壳
狂热fever - 奕颗贝壳
我们不懂We don't understand - 奕颗贝壳
墙外的风景The scenery outside the wall - 奕颗贝壳