Enjoy Life
决胜舞台 Decisive stage - 奕颗贝壳
一生柔情 Lifetime tenderness - 奕颗贝壳
忘却的时光 Forget the time - 奕颗贝壳
贵族世界 Aristocratic world - 奕颗贝壳
异国舞风 Exotic dance - 奕颗贝壳
奇异世界 Bizarre world - 奕颗贝壳
配乐传奇 Legend of soundtrack - 奕颗贝壳
伤感过往 Sorrowful past - 奕颗贝壳
不愿回首 Not willing to look back - 奕颗贝壳
自信台步 Confident step - 奕颗贝壳
酒中情感 Emotion in wine - 奕颗贝壳
醉酒之人 drunk people - 奕颗贝壳
过度震撼 too shock - 奕颗贝壳
云雾飘渺 Clouds and mists - 奕颗贝壳
关键未来 Critical future - 奕颗贝壳
梦幻点滴 Dreamdrop - 奕颗贝壳
与你共舞 Dance with you - 奕颗贝壳
享受人生 Enjoy life - 奕颗贝壳
一切落幕 Everything is over - 奕颗贝壳
慕落时刻 Admiration moment - 奕颗贝壳
故事结束 End of story - 奕颗贝壳
浮华世界 vouge - 奕颗贝壳
动作快感 Action pleasure - 奕颗贝壳
少女心爆发 Girl's mind - 奕颗贝壳
醉酒沉睡 Drunk and sleep - 奕颗贝壳
科技间谍 Tec Spy - 奕颗贝壳
无限罪恶 Unlimited sin - 奕颗贝壳
摸不透的我 can't understood - 奕颗贝壳
把握当下 Grasp the moment - 奕颗贝壳
超越未来 Beyond the future - 奕颗贝壳
得意洋洋 Proud - 奕颗贝壳
如鱼得水 easy - 奕颗贝壳
金钱诱惑 Money temptation - 奕颗贝壳
数码赛跑 Digital racing - 奕颗贝壳
暗处里的高调 Highkey in the dark - 奕颗贝壳
玩得尽兴 Have fun - 奕颗贝壳
瑕疵品 Defective - 奕颗贝壳
永不停下 never stop - 奕颗贝壳
肾上腺素爆发 Adrenalin outbreak - 奕颗贝壳
无法阻止 unstopable - 奕颗贝壳
活得随兴 Live with freedom - 奕颗贝壳
舞动情节 Dancing plot - 奕颗贝壳
无法理解 can't know you - 奕颗贝壳
上海夜生活 Nightlife - 奕颗贝壳
喜剧人生 Comedy life - 奕颗贝壳
唯我独尊 Only me - 奕颗贝壳
绝对领域 Absolute field1 - 奕颗贝壳
默默爱你 love you silently - 奕颗贝壳
新纪元New era - 奕颗贝壳
快感旅途 pleasure of travel - 奕颗贝壳
魔术秀Magic show 1 - 奕颗贝壳
大喜之日 a great day - 奕颗贝壳
古灵精怪Ancient spirit - 奕颗贝壳
一夜,情 One night,love 2 - 奕颗贝壳
犯罪鸳鸯大盗 Thief - 奕颗贝壳
七号房 Room seven - 奕颗贝壳
魔王到来 boss coming - 奕颗贝壳
一吻定情 Fall in Love at First Kiss 2 - 奕颗贝壳
未来之战 future war - 奕颗贝壳
感受心跳 feel heart beat - 奕颗贝壳
华而不实 Flashy 1 - 奕颗贝壳
美好世代 Wonderful generation - 奕颗贝壳
快活人生 Happy life 2 - 奕颗贝壳
战火交响乐章 War symphony - 奕颗贝壳
心灵释怀Mind release - 奕颗贝壳
电子律动Electronic rhythm 1 - 奕颗贝壳
黎明将至 Dawn is coming - 奕颗贝壳
战伤以后 After the war - 奕颗贝壳
摇摆极限 Swing limit - 奕颗贝壳
纯种艺术 Purebred art - 奕颗贝壳
淡淡的忧伤A touch of sadness 1 - 奕颗贝壳
电音趴安安 wave party - 奕颗贝壳
樱花落下 Cherry blossoms falling - 奕颗贝壳
干了坏事 do the bad thing - 奕颗贝壳
璀璨bright - 奕颗贝壳
豹神Leopard god - 奕颗贝壳
山沟The valley - 奕颗贝壳
唏嘘sigh - 奕颗贝壳
鸳鸯Mandarin duck - 奕颗贝壳
相思acacia - 奕颗贝壳
阴霾haze - 奕颗贝壳
奇异The singular - 奕颗贝壳
新颖A novel - 奕颗贝壳
中流砥柱A tower of strength - 奕颗贝壳
动漫anime - 奕颗贝壳
冬眠hibernation - 奕颗贝壳
徘徊wandering 1 - 奕颗贝壳
排行ranking - 奕颗贝壳
排休Row Hugh - 奕颗贝壳
派驻in - 奕颗贝壳
排布configuration - 奕颗贝壳
排污sewage - 奕颗贝壳
排舞Line dance - 奕颗贝壳
繁杂multifarious - 奕颗贝壳
潜伏latent - 奕颗贝壳
前夫Her ex - 奕颗贝壳
前景prospects - 奕颗贝壳
素描The sketch - 奕颗贝壳
油画Oil painting - 奕颗贝壳
心路heart - 奕颗贝壳
刹车The brake - 奕颗贝壳
效果器effectors - 奕颗贝壳
联机online - 奕颗贝壳
强迫forced 1 - 奕颗贝壳
缺席absent1 - 奕颗贝壳
下午In the afternoon - 奕颗贝壳
清晨Early in the morning2 - 奕颗贝壳
空中小姐The air hostess - 奕颗贝壳
顺着Along - 奕颗贝壳
忠告advice - 奕颗贝壳
任何any - 奕颗贝壳
任何人anyone - 奕颗贝壳
任何事anything - 奕颗贝壳
俯首bow - 奕颗贝壳
伏寿Empress fu shou - 奕颗贝壳
副手deputy - 奕颗贝壳
四月April - 奕颗贝壳
到达arrival - 奕颗贝壳
睡觉Go to bed - 奕颗贝壳
阿司匹林aspirin - 奕颗贝壳
接电话answer the phone - 奕颗贝壳
一声令下The Order - 奕颗贝壳
至少At least - 奕颗贝壳
立即immediately - 奕颗贝壳
理科Science Departments - 奕颗贝壳
背书Endorsement - 奕颗贝壳
面包师傅baker - 奕颗贝壳
洗澡池Bathing pool - 奕颗贝壳
林子The woods - 奕颗贝壳
迟钝slow - 奕颗贝壳
打破break - 奕颗贝壳
沸腾boiling - 奕颗贝壳
带来bring - 奕颗贝壳
机器猫doraemon - 奕颗贝壳
作者The author - 奕颗贝壳
诗人The poet - 奕颗贝壳
古人The ancients - 奕颗贝壳
现代人The modern people - 奕颗贝壳
主语The subject - 奕颗贝壳
决胜runoff - 奕颗贝壳
介绍introduce1 - 奕颗贝壳
词典The dictionary - 奕颗贝壳
配乐The music - 奕颗贝壳
鸡肋Chicken ribs - 奕颗贝壳
豁达open - 奕颗贝壳
挑战challenge - 奕颗贝壳
向左走Left - 奕颗贝壳
承认admit - 奕颗贝壳
影戏movie - 奕颗贝壳
分析Analysis of the - 奕颗贝壳
方法methods - 奕颗贝壳
仿佛As if - 奕颗贝壳
任意球Free Kick - 奕颗贝壳
明细The detail 1 - 奕颗贝壳
态度attitude - 奕颗贝壳
性质The nature of the - 奕颗贝壳
可得到available - 奕颗贝壳
偏碱性An alkaline - 奕颗贝壳
频道channel - 奕颗贝壳
至于不As for not - 奕颗贝壳
滑雪票Ski ticket - 奕颗贝壳
连贯coherent - 奕颗贝壳
瓦解collapse - 奕颗贝壳
通识general - 奕颗贝壳
同岁The same age - 奕颗贝壳
佣金commission - 奕颗贝壳
犯罪时刻Crime moment - 奕颗贝壳
组成部分Part of the - 奕颗贝壳
包涵inclusion - 奕颗贝壳
综合comprehensive - 奕颗贝壳
浓缩enrichment - 奕颗贝壳
香甜sweet1 - 奕颗贝壳
网红online celebrity - 奕颗贝壳
酸性acid - 奕颗贝壳
十几岁As a teenager - 奕颗贝壳
山崖cliff - 奕颗贝壳
反常指标Abnormal indicators - 奕颗贝壳
缺陷defects - 奕颗贝壳
燕麦oats - 奕颗贝壳
旷工absenteeism - 奕颗贝壳
赏樱The sakura - 奕颗贝壳
兴致interest - 奕颗贝壳
雄心ambition - 奕颗贝壳
任命The appointment1 - 奕颗贝壳
纤维fiber - 奕颗贝壳
不规则irregular - 奕颗贝壳
赞美诗The hymn - 奕颗贝壳
干货Dry goods - 奕颗贝壳
干旱The drought - 奕颗贝壳
古迹Places of historic interest - 奕颗贝壳
代理人The agent - 奕颗贝壳
美利Beauty, - 奕颗贝壳
品质The quality of - 奕颗贝壳
拼争endeavor - 奕颗贝壳
破产bankruptcy - 奕颗贝壳
极光The aurora - 奕颗贝壳
机构institutions - 奕颗贝壳
自传autobiography - 奕颗贝壳
授权authorization - 奕颗贝壳
附页The attached - 奕颗贝壳
多笔More than a pen - 奕颗贝壳
不安uneasy - 奕颗贝壳
错觉illusion - 奕颗贝壳
奉贤fengxian - 奕颗贝壳
分析Analysis of the1 - 奕颗贝壳
分型parting - 奕颗贝壳
祖宗fathers - 奕颗贝壳
族谱A family tree - 奕颗贝壳
石榴pomegranate - 奕颗贝壳
平衡balance - 奕颗贝壳
球拍The racket - 奕颗贝壳
网球tennis - 奕颗贝壳
对视In the eye - 奕颗贝壳
理由reason - 奕颗贝壳
纯真pure - 奕颗贝壳
难忘unforgettable - 奕颗贝壳
情缘love - 奕颗贝壳
美好理想A good ideal - 奕颗贝壳
监狱prison - 奕颗贝壳
综评Judged by - 奕颗贝壳