50 Medieval Celtic Music Fantasies Sung by Magic Folk Lute and Classical Guitar
Knight Tom McMahon Riding His War Horse Baliset (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
The Return of the Holy King to the Palace of Heaven (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Irish Hornpipe Fantasy for Lute (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Ballad from Middle of Earth (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Celtic Warrior Dance Fantasy for Classical Guitar (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Procession of the Son of the Light (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Highlands Hornpipe Fantasy for Celtic Lute (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Flowers of Ophelia in the Cold Water (feat. Lana Ross) - Andrei Krylov
Medieval Lute Branle Fantasy - Andrei Krylov
Polyphonic Lament for Celtic Lute - Andrei Krylov
Chain Dance Fantasy for Medieval Lute - Andrei Krylov
Fantasy on Ancient Russian Story for Classical Guitar - Andrei Krylov
Requiem for Victims of Endless War - Andrei Krylov
Scottish Lute Ballad Fantasy - Andrei Krylov
Sad Love Song for Medieval Lute - Andrei Krylov
Battle Between Army of Dead and Army of Living - Andrei Krylov
Wedding Procession in Aragon Castle - Andrei Krylov
Horsemen Dance in Russian Steppe - Andrei Krylov
Crossing of the Great Sea - Andrei Krylov
Beautiful Castle in Misty Mountains - Andrei Krylov
Men Dance for Celtic Lute - Andrei Krylov
Procession of Beautiful Princess Who Disguises Herself as a Male Warrior - Andrei Krylov
Irish Step Dance Fantasy - Andrei Krylov
On the Beautiful Banks of Tay River - Andrei Krylov
Ancient Circle Dance for Lute - Andrei Krylov
Game of Love in a Medieval Fortress - Andrei Krylov
Dunnottar Castle Ruins - Andrei Krylov
Story of True Knight for Lute - Andrei Krylov
Ancient Horsemen Dance - Andrei Krylov
Procession for the Queen of Love - Andrei Krylov
Medieval Russian Lute Fantasy - Andrei Krylov
Irish River Dance - Andrei Krylov
Song of the Soul from Another World - Andrei Krylov
Alasdair Ballad - Andrei Krylov
Invincible Castle of Your Love - Andrei Krylov
German Polyphonic Prelude for Medieval Lute - Andrei Krylov
My Love Left Homeland - Andrei Krylov
Gothic Cathedral Lute Fantasy - Andrei Krylov
Gaelic Love Song - Andrei Krylov
Ancient Russian Love Ballad for Lute - Andrei Krylov
Viking Boats in Siberia - Andrei Krylov
Leaving This Realm - Andrei Krylov
Celtic Warrior Dance - Andrei Krylov
Reichsburg Gothic German Castle - Andrei Krylov
Medieval Knights Lute Ballad - Andrei Krylov
Ancient Love Ballad for Celtic Lute - Andrei Krylov
Farewell to Love - Andrei Krylov
Last Sail of Hope on the Horizon - Andrei Krylov
In Beautiful Highlands - Andrei Krylov
The Last Ring of the Lord of the Light - Andrei Krylov