101 Original Motor City Hits
Shop Around - The Miracles
Do You Love Me - The Contours
Little Water Boy - Little Stevie Wonder
Come To Me - Marv Johnson
Money (That's What I Want) - Barrett Strong
I'll Have To Let Him Go - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
Jamie - Eddie Holland
Please Mr Postman - The Marvelettes
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide - Marvin Gaye
I Want A Guy - The Supremes
Paradise - The Temptations
While I'm Away - The Valadiers
You Beat Me To The Punch - Mary Wells
What Makes You Love Him - Singin' Sammy Ward
Take Me - Mable John
Please Mr Kennedy - Mickey Woods
Tomorrow And Always - The Satintones
Here You Come - Hattie Littles
Dearest One - Lamont Dozier
I Found Myself A Brand New Baby - Mike & The Modifiers
Small Sad Sam - Bob Kayli
Real Good Lovin' - Popcorn & The Mohawks
Don’t Feel Sorry for Me - Jimmy Ruffin
For This I Thank You - Gino Parks
Mo Jo Hanna - Henry Lumpkin
Request Of A Fool - The Downbeats
Whole Lotta Woman - The Contours
Playboy - The Marvelettes
Everybody's Gotta Pay Some Dues - The Miracles
The Day Will Come - Freddie Gorman
Camel Walk - LaBrenda Ben & The Beljeans
Same Old Story - Mickey McCullers
La La La La La - Little Stevie Wonder
Your Heart Belongs To Me - The Supremes
Don't Let Him Shop Around - Debbie Dean
Greetings (This Is Uncle Sam) - The Valadiers
Move Mr Man - The Contours
You Deserve What You Got - Eddie Holland
Congo (Part 1) - Twistin' Kings
Angel - The Satintones
It - Ron & Bill
Stubborn Kind Of Fellow - Marvin Gaye
Snake Walk (Part 1) - Beans Bowles & The Swinging Tigers
Dream Come True - The Temptations
Tie Me Tight - Bob Kayli
The One Who Really Loves You - Mary Wells
Everybody Knew It - Singin' Sammy Ward
They Call Me Cupid - Mickey Woods
Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Mable John
Easier Said Than Done - Marv Johnson
Itsy Bity Pity Love - Debbie Dean
When I Needed You - Little Iva & Her Band
The Stretch - The Contours
Operator - Mary Wells
Just For You - Freddie Gorman
Lover - Sherri Taylor & Singin' Sammy Ward
That’s No Lie - Gino Parks
Money And Me - Barrett Strong
You've Really Got A Hold On Me - The Miracles
Don’t Leave Me - Henry Lumpkin
It's Too Bad - Mike & The Modifiers
Looking For A Man - Mable John
Twistin' Postman - The Marvelettes
Zing! Went The Strings Of My Heart - The Satintones
Take A Chance - The Valadiers
Romance Without Finance - The Temptations
If It's Love (It's Alright) - Eddie Holland
(I'm Afraid) The Masquerade Is Over - Marvin Gaye
My Baby Won't Come Back - Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
That Child Is Really Wild - Singin' Sammy Ward
Everyone Was There - Bob Kayli
A New Girl - Debbie Dean
I'll Be Around - Richard "Popcorn" Wylie
Let Me Go The Right Way - The Supremes
Two Lovers - Mary Wells
They Rode Through The Valley - Mickey Woods
Let's Rock - Barrett Strong
Hallelujah I Love Her So - Little Stevie Wonder
Your Baby's Back - The Downbeats
Fortune Teller - Lamont Dozier
Heart - Jimmy Ruffin
Isn't She Pretty - The Temptations
Fire - Gino Parks
But I'm Afraid - Debbie Dean
Your Love Is Wonderful - Hattie Littles
What Is a Man - Henry Lumpkin
No Love - Mable John
Mr Sandman - Marvin Gaye
Part Time Love - Singin' Sammy Ward
I'll Try Something New - The Miracles
Poor Sam Jones - Mickey Woods
Because I Love Her - The Valadiers
Shake Sherrie - The Contours
I Call It Pretty Music But The Old People Call It the Blues (Part 1) - Little Stevie Wonder
If Cleopatra Took A Chance - Eddie Holland
Beechwood 4-5789 - The Marvelettes
You Got What It Takes - Marv Johnson
Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right - Barrett Strong
He's Seventeen - The Supremes
Bye Bye Baby - Mary Wells
Motor City - The Satintones