

싱글 ‘건물의왕국’은 임용주, 노디 두 명의 음악가가 서울의 어느 재개발지역에 자리한 그들의 작업실에서 경험했던 격렬한 소음과 불안정한 감정들을 바탕으로 만들어진 전자음악 프로젝트 ‘붕괴’의 일부분으로 샘플링한 소음과 아날로그 모듈러신스를 기반으로 한 다이내믹한 트랙 ‘뿌레카’와’ 건물의왕국’이 수록되었다. A single, “Kingdom of Buildings” is a part of an electronic music project “Boong Gwe(Collapse)” created by YongJu Lim and Noddy Woo. The project is based on intense and drastic noise, and unstable emotions experienced at the studio situated in a Seoul redevelopment area. The album is a dynamic electronic music based on modular synth and sampled noise inspired by the loud noise and, the act of powerful hitting and knocking of road crushers referred to as BBUREKA in South Korean construction sites. [Credit] Composed & Recorded by Lim Yong Ju & Noddy Woo Mixed by Lim Yong Ju & Noddy Woo Mastered by Jae Yun Jeong


