The Lizzie McGuire Movie

The Lizzie McGuire Movie

美国新世代甜心宝贝的Hilary Duff主演深受青少年观众欢迎高收视率的“新成长的烦恼”电影版原声带!捕捉Hilary Duff迷人邻家女孩的阳光模样,招揽一身年轻活力气息,全在原声大碟中一一浮现!   俨然已成为美国新世代甜心宝贝的Hilary Duff,不仅是继布兰妮、克里斯蒂娜后,迪士尼力捧的第三代少男杀手,2003年发行的首张个人专辑“Metamorphosis”,甫发行便佔据全美排行冠军,短短半年的时间销售量即衝破三百馀万张!成功打造蜕变成熟,并拥有80后女生的自信与独特表现!   美国迪士尼频道,将深受青少年观众欢迎高收视率的【Lizzie McGuire】,转拍电影版,为电视版画下完美的结局!在原声带的部分,也是恰如其分的安插多组英美当红Teen-Age歌手、团体齐声共乐!贯穿全剧的重要主题曲‘What Dreams Are Made Of’,收录Hilary Duff舞动感十足的个人独唱版,及男女抒情对唱短版;加收在首张专辑中的首波单曲‘Why Not’,特别收录原始流行摇滚版与Party感十足的舞曲混音版;呈现Band-Sound摇滚曲式的‘Girl In The Band’,Hilary Duff则有惊艳成熟的唱腔表现!红翻全英的AK带来翻唱Blondie排行冠军作‘The Tide Is High(Get The Feeling)’;曾唱出新世代毕业歌‘Graduation’的美丽女声音Vitamin C,翻唱意大利流行名曲‘Volare’;由电视新秀选拔出线的4人男孩新团LMNT,深情唱出动人佳作‘Open Your Eyes(To Love)’;会唱会创作的Beu 4姊妹,加重摇滚味的特选见面首曲‘You Make Me Feel Like A Star’;80年末至90年初红极一时的Soul-Dance Diva 【Taylor Dayne】,翻唱人妖歌手RuPaul成名作‘Supermodel’;50-70年代抒情王子Dean Martin,谱出浪漫异国风味怀情旧曲‘On An Evening In Roma’! Are Britney and Christina over-the-hill? It's a question the effervescent talents of 15-year-old Lizzie McGuire star/teeny-pop Hilary Duff fairly begs. While the plot of this big-screen adaptation of Duff's popular Disney TV series (Lizzie and pals take a class trip to Italy; she's mistaken for a Neopolitan pop star; comic complications ensue) hearkens back to the days of Frankie and Annette--or was it Mickey and Judy?--its soundtrack is a downright sunny tribute to the power of contemporary teen pop. Anchored by Duff's performances of the bright, ear-candy single, "Why Not," and her balladeer turn as the film's faux Italian pop princess, "What Dreams Are Made Of" (each in two versions), it's a score whose bubbly energy resonates through its covers--Atomic Kittens' take on the reggae/Blondie chestnut "The Tide Is High"; Vitamin C's peppy version of the kitsch classic "Volare"; Jump 5's faithful reading of EW&F's "Shining Star"--and originals like Cooler Kids' infectious "All Around the World" and Beu Sister's "You Make Me Feel Like a Star" alike.
